Quality Priorities

December 9, 2005

Kidney Care Quality Initiative Pediatrics Work Group
December 9, 2005
Conference Call

Barbara Fivush
Eileen Brewer
Joseph Flynn
Craig Langman
Cindy Richards
Brad Warady
Julie Black, Patton Boggs
Kathy Lester, Patton Boggs and Kidney Care Partners
Amy Yenyo, Patton Boggs

The Kidney Care Quality Initiative (KCQI) Pediatrics Work Group reviewed its charge and the KCQI organizational structure. Contingent on its review of the documents from the other Work Groups, the group tentatively reached agreement to recommend that a study should be conducted on pediatric measures for a pay for performance program prior to full implementation.

Discussion of Kidney Care Quality Initiative (KCQI) 
The Work Group reviewed its charge to deliver specific pediatric metrics and rationale to the Steering Committee. The timeframe to complete Phase I is driven by Congressional and Agency interest in establishing a pay for performance system. The Work Group acknowledged that in the absence of a consensus from the renal committee, Congress and CMS will act without input.

The members discussed the organizational structure of the KCQI, which is modeled on the Ambulatory Quality Alliance structure. Given the current timeframe, the agreed that they would respond to the recommendations made by the other Work Groups to ensure that the pediatric perspective is appropriately incorporated for Phase I.

For Phase II, the Work Group will expand the scope of its work and consider not only areas for which there is already consensus, but also how to create new measures or structures that would improve quality in the pediatric setting.

Discussion of Development of Measures
The members agreed to review before the next call the CMS CPMs, USRDS, The North American Pediatric Renal Transplant Cooperative Study (NAPRTCS), and the 2006 KDOQI guidelines in preparation for the next call. Based upon their current understanding of these measures primary focus on the adult dialysis and CKD population, the members agreed that the Work Group for Phase I would most likely recommend that a formal evaluation of such measures should be conducted prior to incorporating them into a pay for performance program.

Next Steps
The group will review the compilation paper presented to the Steering Committee and develop final recommendations for the Steering Committee during the next scheduled call on December 20, 9am EST.