Quality Priorities

November 22, 2005

Kidney Care Quality Initiative Work Group Joint Meeting
November 22, 2005
Conference Call

Bill Haley (MD), Facilitator/Leader, Clinical Measures
John Burkhart (MD), Clinical Measures
Jerry Yee (MD), Clinical Measures
Bill McClellan (MD), Facilitator/Leader, Quality of Life/Patient Perspective
Dick Goldman (MD), Quality of Life/Patient Perspective
Bill Peckham (patient), Quality of Life/Patient Perspective
Alan Nissenson (MD), Facilitator/Leader,
Johnathan Himmelfarb (MD), Pay for Performance
Brian Pereira (MD), Pay for Performance
Don Wesson (MD), Pay for Performance
LeAnne Zumwalt (facility), Pay for Performance
Karen Thiel, Patton Boggs
Kathy Lester, Patton Boggs and Kidney Care Partners

The Kidney Care Quality Initiative (KCQI) Work Groups discussed the structure and process of KCQI, the role of the Work Groups, and logistics for Phase I.  Members were notified that the mid-December meeting would likely be Monday, December 12. In addition, there was discussion about current status of the Pediatrics Work Group members.

Discussion the KCQA Structure and Process
Ms. Lester described the relationship between the Work Groups, the KCP Steering Committee, the KCP Board, and the Kidney Care Quality Alliance (KCQA).  She noted that the Pediatrics Work Group members have been nominated, but need final approval from the Steering Committee.

During Phase I of the KCQI, the Work Groups will review existing information put forth by the kidney care community.  During Phase II, the Work Gropus will determine what shape a pay for performance program should take.

The timeline is guided by current Congressional and Agency movement on pay for performance and the likelihood that Congress will consider related legislation in March or April of next year.  In this timeframe, the kidney community can influence the shape of a pay for performance program, as opposed to one being constructed by Congress without the community’s input.

The Role of Work Groups
The Guiding Principles, background information, and option papers will be circulated to facilitate the creation of specific recommendations that could be implemented through Congress or CMS.

The Work Groups should provide rationale, in addition to recommendations, which will both be presented to the Steering Committee in December.  Ms. Lester noted that Work Groups will have time to revise their products prior to the January KCP Board.

Work Group meetings should conclude on December 9, with the target for the December meeting being Monday, December 12.

Next Steps
Ms. Lester will follow up with the Work Groups to provide the final schedule for the Work Groups’ first call and a list of sources for each group.